This tropical ice-cream cake has all the fun, flavour, and sparkle of a traditional ice-cream cake but attributes its creaminess and sweetness to natural yogurt and fresh fruit instead of cream and refined sugar. It’s definitely ok to come back for a second slice!

Tropical Ice Cream Cake


600 g (3 cups) mango

equates to one large mango

200 g (2 cup) overripe banana, mashed

equates to two medium bananas

1000 ml (4 cups) greek yogurt

2 tbsp vanilla essence

pinch of salt

80 g (1 cup) desiccated coconut




Sprinkle half of the desiccated coconut onto the bottom of a spring tray. Leave some for top of cake decoration.


Place all ingredients in a high-speed food processor and mix until thoroughly combined.


Add natural funfetti (optional) for decoration.

Freeze overnight and slightly thaw before serving.




Fine strips of parchment paper or thread can help to get the cake out of the tin.


Pineapple or strawberries add great flavour and colour.

Recipes / Sweet

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