Chia & Berry Jam Pots

Recipes / Sweet

I’m pretty sure my grandfather’s garden wasn’t particularly big and he probably didn’t have thousands of blackberry bushes but in my mind it was like a secret garden, overgrown in all the right places, with an abundance of rose bushes and fruit trees which were a treat for the senses. The best bit was right at the bottom, through a tiny wooden gate, along an uneven stone path that led to his greenhouse and all the berries a little girl could wish for.


I have fond memories of picking the berries (one for me, one for the basket, one for me ….) and making fruit crumbles and pots of jam with my grandmother. Jam is one of those little treats that takes me straight back to my berry-stained childhood. The great thing about it is you can make it with any combination of fruit you like, it doesn’t have to be sugar-packed, and add in a few chia seeds and you’ve got yourself a pretty nutritiously delicious jam.


500 g (2 cups) mixed berries
120 g (1 cup) rapadura/coconut sugar
juice of one half lemon
80 g (1/2 cup) chia seeds

4 servings of porridge/semolina/brown rice, cooked




Thoroughly wash your berries and place into a  saucepan. Stir through sweetener.  Add the lemon juice and bring to boil while stirring continuously.


Boil your jam for a total of 3 - 5 minutes. This short heating process will keep most of the minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron).


Let cool and then add chia. Let set for 20 minutes before dividing the jam into jars by layering it with cooked and slightly cooled porridge.




If you prefer a smooth consistency then purée jam after cooking and then add the chia seeds.


Jam keeps up to three months in a sterilised jar in the fridge.




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