Birdseed Triangles

Vibrant and delicious, these ‘birdseed triangles’ (as the kids call them) combine sesame and pumpkin seeds, quinoa and berries in their original, raw state for optimal nutrition.


This is a fool-proof recipe that is unbelievably quick and simple to make and – now for the best part – involves chocolate! Your kitchen assistants will be vying for the job of chief chocolate dunker.



170 g (1 ½ cups) dates, pitted and soaked

3 tbsp vanilla essence

1 tsp cinnamon

3 tbsp coconut oil

10 g (¾ cup) puffed quinoa

50 g (⅔ cup) desiccated coconut

50 g (⅓ cup) pumpkin seeds

50 g (½ cup) sesame seeds

25 g (¼ cup) goji berries



Make chocolate (use dark chocolate or reference from book).




Soak dates in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. Discard water. Then process dates, coconut oil, vanilla and cinnamon in a food processor until you have a sticky dough.


Add puffed quinoa and all remaining ingredients by hand and press dough firmly into a lined tray.

Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours before cutting them into individual triangles.


Dip corners into raw chocolate and let dry on a rack.


Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Recipes / Sweet




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